Just like that, it’s February. Compared to last year, when we had frigid temperatures for weeks at a time, this past January was characterized by temperatures above freezing, green grass and lots of raining and flooding. Yes, there was some snow, but not a whole lot. Just enough to start February off with a layer of white.
As it turns out, the end of January also coincided with the completion of my first painting of 2025. “Sunny Winter Trails” is based on a photo taken during a trip to the ski trails of Government Peak Recreational Area here in southcentral Alaska. At the time, we had fresh snow, the sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Throughout our walk that day, both my wife and I snapped several photos that I think eventually will turn into paintings.

With every painting I work on, I try to find something that will stretch my abilities, something to challenge me. With one painting it may be clouds, with another water, or maybe just the sun. Painting humans or animals is the most difficult of all for me. With “Sunny Winter Trails” my challenge was all the detail of the trees and the snowy trail. Was it reasonable to expect a lot of detail on a painting as small as 8″ by 6″? Could I get the trees to look ok even though they’re just branches?
As you can see, I went all in on details, at last for the most part. The bottom half of the painting, the foreground, could have had more detail. However, I came to a point where the amount of detail felt just right and I felt it captured that feeling we Alaskans often encounter when the sun pops out after experiencing day after day of gloomy days and clouds. It just felt done.
For those interested, the original is available, as are prints and greeting cards. Check out my website for more details:

What’s Next?
Although I was very indecisive about what to paint when the year began, I know exactly where I’m going next. I have three additional paintings already outlined on paper. One will be 9″ by 12″, while the other two will be A3 (roughly 11″ by 17″). These three by themselves will keep me busy into March.

But, then there’s a special project I just started sketching tonight. I’m contemplating both a winter and a summer version of the same painting. We’ll see how it works out, if at all. I’ll share more about this one as I can.
Then, I’ll be continuing with my series of flower paintings based on the feedback I received from some of you last year. There is at least three or four different Alaskan flowers I want to paint.
I also have a couple of paintings on black paper I want to get to. One is specifically related to the winter season and darkness, so I may try to work that one in before it gets too light outside. As you may already know, I am very appreciative of home owners that take the time to brighten up the darkness of their immediate surroundings during our dark winter nights. There’s another example of this in the Palmer area that I want to try to capture while we still have some darkness.
Anyway…I think you get my drift: I do not lack things to paint and I’m excited to be able to share more about these paintings in the near future. As always, keep an eye on my Facebook page, this newsletter and my website for the very latest.