a sky on fire

Sunset Barn

Sunset Barn

About the painting

The winter months in Alaska can be the source of some truly magnificent display of colors in the sky. Beautiful sunsets is just one of many ways in which this manifests.

In this painting, based on a photo taken at just the right time, we find ourselves with an old barn in a clearing covered with fresh snow. The trees surrounding are also covered in fresh snow, while the sky is lit up with magnificent yellows, oranges and reds.

This painting was one my first attempts at painting something with truly vivid colors, something that gouache is perfect for. I wanted to create a sunset that was bright throughout the whole range of colors selected for the sky, to try to mimic the wonderful displays we so often see. I hope this painting will give you a sense of what we experience here in Alaska.



6×9 inches

Type of Paper
Watercolor paper

Date Completed
February 2023

Photo by @alaskathebeautiful



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